Want to Be a Better Project Leader? Start Asking for Feedback
By J. LeRoy Ward
If you’re only relying on the annual performance review from your boss, you’ll be missing many opportunities to improve on a regular basis.
By J. LeRoy Ward
If you’re only relying on the annual performance review from your boss, you’ll be missing many opportunities to improve on a regular basis.
By Judith W. Umlas
What’s YOUR passion – and can you “reinvent” yourself by fervently pursuing it?
By Elaine Lincoln
During the course I was introduced to BRM terminology, tools, and techniques aimed at providing a common language for understanding the role.
By Ardi Ghorashy
What is the secret ingredient that certain people possess and allows them to rise from the ashes of failure? There’s a dynamic that drives them to try again and again, while others are stopped dead in their tracks.
By Judith W. Umlas
A sincere thanks to EVERYONE that supported, promoted, managed or played any role in our success achieved with IPMDAY 2015: Ensuring a Sustainable Future.
By Anne Foley
Learn how to collaborate in a project environment, and use some of the problem solving techniques within Lean Six Sigma to help solve problems.
By Judith W. Umlas
It’s always so inspiring when I come upon what I would call “Random Acts of Acknowledgement” in my everyday life.
By Judith W. Umlas
I was already late for my appointment, but I suddenly felt “driven” to FOLLOW THAT CAR!!! I needed to tell the driver that what he or she had done was truly an act of kindness and consideration, and how moved I was by that action.
By Judith W. Umlas
I have been thinking a lot about what stops us from doing the brave and inspiring things we want to and are able to do.
By Judith W. Umlas
I worked as a television producer and writer at WCBS-TV for about a dozen years. I know the workings of a TV studio inside and out. So that should make my keynote videotaping a piece of cake for me, right? Wrong!
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