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4 Questions for Every Project Manager

By Catherine Stothart
Motivation comes from having a sense of purpose, being persistent despite difficulties, and being resilient through setbacks.  How you behave – what you do and say – as a manager has a big impact on how your team think and feel, and on how persistent and resilient they are.

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Reaching New Heights in Project Management

By Alan Mallory

Successful projects are a lot like mountaineering expeditions. To navigate the volatile and increasingly turbulent environments we operate in, project managers need to be diligent in continuously assessing project conditions, and able to adjust course when needed.

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Agile in Education

By Michael Vizdos
21st Century Learning. Today. Do you remember what it was like going to school (years or even decades ago)? Close your eyes for a moment and think about the things that made it a horrible experience. Next, close your eyes for a moment and consider the things that made it an incredible experience.

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I Can’t Draw

By Yuen Yen Tsai
A statement I often hear in the design thinking trainings that I give to participants from all over the world is this negative statement, “I can’t draw.” In this article I want to share why you hear these words, how to deal with them, and what  deeper meanings you can find in the sentence ‘I Can’t …’

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