Project Management: Agile and Waterfall Explained
By Karim Radwan
Since the Agile Manifesto was written in 2001 by a group of software practitioners, Agile approaches have been taking over the project management scene at a steady pace.
By Karim Radwan
Since the Agile Manifesto was written in 2001 by a group of software practitioners, Agile approaches have been taking over the project management scene at a steady pace.
By Luigi Morsa
Managing a team is complex and challenging at the same time. Team members naturally have different perceptions, personalities, characters, ideas, and they may be from different cultures.
By Cyndi Synder Dionisio
There is a principle in the PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition about adaptability and resilience, and if there is anything the past 2 years has taught us, it is the need for adaptability and resilience.
By Felix Ludosan
What happens when project thinking seeps into unfamiliar territory, to situations that extend beyond our normal comfort zone?
Agile and Scrum Online Conference: Co-Create for Greater Value opens on June 3, 2021. Our theme this year is Co-Create for Greater Value. In this article, we’ll preview what you can expect to take away from this unique learning event.
By Mohamed Khalifa
Agile became one of the hottest topics in the project management world, mainly due to its proven success on software projects and its ability to deliver quick and real value to customers, reduce the risks and increase collaboration between different stakeholders.
By Harold Kerzner, Ph.D.
The landscape for project management changes almost every year. Some changes are relatively small or incremental whereas other changes can be significant.
By Pamela S. Hogle
With hope for rosier days ahead, what does 2021 hold for learning and development (L&D) professionals and online training? These 7 notable trends may influence our lives as L&D pros, learners, and employees.
By Hilary Kinney, PMP
Are you working at home during quarantine and parenting/home-schooling at the same time? Considering how to handle things this summer? Here are a few project management principles that can help.
By Marcus Glowasz
When googling about Artificial Intelligence in Project Management you’ll find loads of articles talking about how AI will revolutionize and transform project management, how it will automate processes, etc., and how it possibly will eliminate the project manager role altogether.
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