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Bob Umlas

Bob Umlas has been using Excel since version 0.99 (on the Macintosh)! He was a contributing editor to Inside Microsoft Excel for many years.  He has had more than 300 articles published on subjects ranging from beginner to advanced macros, and on tips, shortcuts, and general techniques using virtually all aspects of Excel.

He was voted an “MVP” (Most Valuable Professional) by Microsoft each year from 1993-2018 (25 years!) for his contributions to the various online Forums about Excel and is known world-wide for his contributions in Excel. He is the author of  “This isn’t Excel, it’s Magic!” which is available from http://www.iil.com/publishing  as well as from Amazon.com.  He has had more than 300 articles published on subjects ranging from beginner to advanced macros, and on tips, shortcuts, and general techniques using virtually all aspects of Excel.

From 1998 to 2018 Bob worked for a major tax and accounting firm, using Microsoft Excel® 8 hours a day, writing custom applications for staff and clients.

Bob Umlas

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