Program Managers, Next Generation

Program Managers: The Next Gen Business Strategists

By Dr. Al Zeitoun
A program is generally defined as a grouping of projects that can be managed consecutively or concurrently; or a combination of both. Most programs, because of their strategic nature and impact on the success of the organization, are much longer in duration and are susceptible to more challenges, risks, and a possible negative impact on the business.

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4 Agile Don'ts by Ko Ito

4 Big Agile Don’ts Learned from TPS

By Ko Ito
While Agile methods can trace significant influences back to Lean Manufacturing, which was inspired by the Toyota Production System (TPS), Taiichi Ohno, the father of TPS, says, “Don’t be agile,” in his book, “Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production”.

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PMI Hampton Roads Professional Development Conference 2022

PMI Hampton Roads will host their upcoming in-person event, PMI Hampton Roads Professional Development Conference 2022, held in The Westin Virginia Beach Town Center, on August 26, 2022. PMI Hampton Roads is a member of the IIL Advantage Program, and IIL is proud to support our Advantage Program members’ events.

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Virtual Professional Development Workshop: Moving to Mastery

Join us for our upcoming Advantage Program event, in partnership with PMI Oklahoma City, Virtual Professional Development Workshop: Moving to Mastery, on Thursday, August 25, 2022, from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT. Two back-to-back presentations are featured in this event: Managing Change as a Project Manager, with Jacqueline Dennis, and Emotional Intelligence in a Digital World, with Roy Brewer.

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