IIL Spotlight: Rodolfo Ambriz
Each month we will spotlight an employee from one of our offices. Here, we introduce Rodolfo Ambriz, Managing Director at IIL Middle East.
Each month we will spotlight an employee from one of our offices. Here, we introduce Rodolfo Ambriz, Managing Director at IIL Middle East.
By Joel “Thor” Neeb
We conducted a Debrief after every one of the more than 2500 Missions I flew as a fighter pilot and trainer pilot. We would discuss what went well, what didn’t, and more importantly, how we would improve our team execution next time.
By Kellie Morrell
I had been somewhat successful in managing my projects; or least the ones where the clients did not change their requirements every other day. So why would I need to learn something new?
By Maria Matarelli
Real Agile transformation includes more than just your IT department. Yet Agile continues to be strongly associated with software development.
By Dean Leffingwell
The world’s economy, and the health and welfare of society as a whole, is increasingly dependent on software and systems.
By Shar Olivier
More and more PMPs are being called upon to consider the metrics of Sustainability in their projects.
By Angela Johnson
Why do Agile or Scrum trainers seem to walk in “off the street” and immediately pinpoint the people problems?
By J. LeRoy Ward
It’s funny (or maybe not), but only people who are used to thinking in boxes have to be encouraged to think out of the box.
By Hubert Smits
The rules of the game in new product development are changing. Many companies have discovered that it takes more than the accepted basics of high quality, low cost, and differentiation to excel in today’s competitive market.
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