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Digital Know Hows Category

Digital Know Hows

Cracking Social Media for Professionals

By Yelena Ganshof
Let’s face it: in today’s highly competitive business world, it has become extremely difficult to stand out and get your message across ...
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How to Improve CRM and Tap Your Audience
Business Analysis

How to Improve CRM and Tap Your Audience

By Sofia Zafeiri
A lot has been written and said over the past six years about the Agile methodology – from a tech methodology to the ...
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The Importance of Influencers In Your Strategy – An Analysis of Millennials
Digital Know Hows

The Importance of Influencers In Your Strategy – An Analysis of Millennials

by Sofia Zafeiri
It is now clear that aggressive sales not only won’t win customer loyalty but might end up even harming a brand as ...
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How to Brand Yourself on LinkedIn
Digital Know Hows

How to Brand Yourself on LinkedIn

With approximately 467 million users, LinkedIn is undoubtedly the largest Professional Network on Social Media. Here are some tips that will help you maximize your ...
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