Joe Pusz
PMO Joe is an internationally recognized leader in the Project Management and PMO community. He is the President and Founder of The PMO Squad a US based premier Project Management Consultancy. He is a frequent Keynote Speaker, Author, Project Management Innovator, and is a Finalist for 2022 World PMO Influencer of the Year by the PMO Global Alliance. Joe speaks on topics of Leadership, PMOs, Purpose Driven Mindset, the Project Management Journey, and a variety of other trending Project Management topics.

Authored Articles

Transform the Way Your PMO Operates
By Joe Pusz
Transformation is the key to a healthy PMO, and transformation means change. Changing the way your PMO operates is a project in and of itself that would benefit from Change Management discipline.

Transform the Way Your PMO Operates
By Joe Pusz
Statistics show that nearly 80% abandon their resolutions by February. What about the 20% who stick to their resolutions?

How the PMO Can Help Align Projects with Operations
By Joe Pusz
Misalignment usually occurs when people working in operations are assigned to a project. This pulls them away from their day job and the added pressure and imbalance in priorities causes stress, misalignment. What can be done?