By E. LaVerne Johnson
October 11, 2023
We hope that your organization will join us on Thursday, November 2nd for IIL’s IPM Day Online Conference bringing together practitioners, thought leaders, and industry experts for an immersive, virtual experience with live Q&A sessions, panel discussions, and lots of new insights for our ever-changing project-based business world.
We invite you to learn more about our Unlimited License which can help to provide learning and growth opportunities for every member of your team, for as low as 80% off regular individual pricing! It comes with a FREE sponsorship – showing that your organization recognizes the great work that our PM professionals do every day in every part of the world.
After being in the project management world for many years I was very pleased to see Seth Godin make these statements in his new book, The Song of Significance.
“Significant Work is Project Work.”
“A job that is repetitive, easily measured, and consistent lends itself to industrialization. But when we think of the important moments in our work life, we think of projects.
A beginning, filled with possibility.
A middle, with challenges and insights.
And an ending, bittersweet, with thoughts of what we did and who we did it with, along with ideas on how to do it better next time.”
He goes on to say, “We give too much credit to the solo genius inventor when what actually changes the world are groups of people connected around significant projects.”
Well said! I want to formally thank Seth Godin for describing “project work” so poetically, profoundly, and powerfully.
I invite you to check out all the great benefits you and your team(s) can get with an Unlimited License for IPM Day here:
And be sure to read how our annual program plays a crucial role in SITA’s everyday work ethic and success story:
To learn more about how IIL can support you and your team’s project management journey, visit
Organizational success starts here with our Unlimited License!
E. LaVerne Johnson
Founder, President, and CEO
International Institute for Learning, Inc.