10 Ways to Collaborate with Project Management Bloggers

10 Ways to Collaborate with Project Management Bloggers

Guest Post by Jerry Ihejirika

One of the greatest parts about blogging is the community and the relationships you build. Reaching out to other project management bloggers to collaborate with is a great way to achieve your blogging goals. A lack of engaging collaborations can make you feel isolated in the blogosphere.

Here are 10 different ways that you can collaborate with other project management bloggers.

Interview Each Other

Publishing the expert views and opinions of other project management bloggers is a way of diversifying the viewpoints on your blog. It’s also a great way to collaborate with the bloggers. The interview can be conducted through email, Google+ Hangout or any messaging platform, and can be published as an article or video.

Collaborative Blogging Platform

A collaborative platform is an online platform where project management bloggers and other professionals in the field of project management virtually meet to share their knowledge and experiences. It’s an ideal place to connect with project management bloggers.

Guest Posting

Guest posting, or some would like to call it guest blogging, is one of the most common ways to collaborate. It is a process whereby you write a rich article on project management and publish it to another project management blog. While there’s a loss of SEO benefits, the shared audience and links back you gain more than make up for it.

Project Management Communities

A project management community is a community of persons who have special interests in project management and built social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook. Joining such a community will offer you opportunities to promote your project management knowledge and connect with other bloggers.

Group Projects

You can also initiate a group project. The group project can be to write an e-Book with each contributing a chapter, to practically test an enterprise social software and share their experiences, or to help the community through a volunteering initiative. Being a part of such group projects is a great opportunity for you and your blog.

Twitter Chats

There’s an increasing use of Twitter as a platform to host live group chats and yes, there’s one organised weekly for project management bloggers and professionals. Twitter chats are a great way to interact with lots of persons who are interested in project management and to gain some new perspectives and ideas.

Sharing is Caring

Sharing the contents of other project management bloggers that you find interesting is an engaging way to collaborate. You can commend them when sharing their content. You can also link to their posts within your content. This will help them reach a new audience.

Leave Meaningful Comments

Have you read a project management article written by another project management blogger that really caught your attention? Be a good sport by commenting on the article. Let the blogger know how you feel about the article. You can also take it further by commenting on their social media accounts. So, think of some project management bloggers that you would like to connect with, or the project management blogs that you enjoy reading everyday, and leave those meaningful comments.

Group Pinterest Boards

Pinterest is one of the social media platforms where project management bloggers pin their images or promote their content. You can create your own group board such as a project management board, invite some project management bloggers to join the board and begin to source and share images. Group board is a great way to collaborate because all of your Pinterest followers, as well as your collaborators’ followers, will be able to see the board.

Make a List Post of Your Favourite Project Management Bloggers

How many project management bloggers out there do you admire, respect or love their blogging style? Creating such post is a way of telling your readers the bloggers you like. You can notify the bloggers you mentioned through their social media links and some will connect with you as a result. You are also placing yourself in a great position to make friends because you are promoting their personal brands without any expectation of a return.

Trust is Not Built Overnight

Creating strong relationships with other project management bloggers is not something you can accomplish overnight. You need to build and nurture the relationships over time. No project management blogger wants to associate with someone who is not trustworthy or honourable.

Keep blogging, keep networking and keep nurturing the relationships and with time, you will create that professional network that you crave for.

What ways have you used to collaborate with other bloggers that are not mentioned above?

Jerry Ihejirika is a Project Management Technology graduate (BTech) and an aspiring Digital and Volunteer Project Manager. He is the Initiator of the Project Management for Africa Initiative; an organisation that would help create more awareness and promote the project management education and profession, and help raise the next generation of project leaders in Africa.

‎Jerry has written and published several insightful articles on project management, career development and digital media. You can connect with Jerry at JerryIhejirika.com.

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