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Leaders Don’t Do It Alone: Building Capacity for a Sustainability Assessment

A many-to-many reporting system that utilizes an integrated and consistent approach across life-cycle stages and categories is key to efficiently and effectively driving more sustainable consumer products. But how do you build a team and prepare data in a way that will provide the necessary visibility into your processes and supply chains to leverage such a system?

In response to the growing market signals that indicate the importance of supply chain sustainability assessment, successful companies are building internal capacity to collect data about their products and supply chains. This deep-dive, interactive session brings together an experienced team representing research, data collection, and sustainability reporting to show how companies are building cross-functional, inter-departmental teams to prepare for and conduct sustainability assessments.

Above is a summary of the multi-sector panel organized in conjunction with The Sustainability Consortium that kicks off the 2016 Greenbiz conference next week in Phoenix, AZ.  International Institute for Learning and VF Jeanswear (Wrangler Brand) have partnered in creating a Sustainable Supply Chain Training program for Wrangler’s tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers across the globe.  This ambitious project was born from the mind of Wrangler’s Director of Sustainability, Roian Atwood, and developed and executed with the IIL team led by Shar Olivier.

Both are members of the panel, along with executives from Walmart, SAP, MARS and BASF, held on Tuesday, February 23rd, from 8:30-12:00, at Greenbiz 2016.  Atwood and Olivier will discuss why sustainable practice and reporting throughout the Supply Chain is not just a business issue, and that there is a critical need for learning and development for individuals responsible for this data collection and program implementation.  This elevated level of awareness of human capital, both strengthens the brand(s) and the value chain, as well as produces accelerated, exponential positive impact.

This program is centered on the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) developed by the rigorous research process of The Sustainability Consortium (TSC).  TSC is a non-profit dedicated to the development of KPI across many sectors of consumer products for major retailers and corporations.  Textiles is just one area of focus, and one with huge global impact. Join us at the conference and follow IIL here and on LinkedIn and Twitter to find out about our latest projects and Sustainable solutions.

The IIL Sustainability team creates these and other solutions for Fortune 100 companies, municipalities, federal and state government and non-profits around the globe.  IIL is a multi-platform, woman-owned company, with offices in 18 countries and deliveries in over 150 countries worldwide.  Please contact learning@iil.com for more information.

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